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| Release v.1.0.24-25 06/15/2023
Fixed bugs
Changed the emails text and design
Added the “Onboarding” email after user’s registration
Added the user’s account ID
Changed the “Back” button design in the sidenavs
| Release v.1.0.23 06/09/2023
Fixed bugs
Added two-factor authentication
Added default objects to initial space
Added new captcha
Added Guided Tour
| Release v.1.0.22 05/18/2023
Fixed bugs
Added plans for subscriptions
Added "Stripe" for payment
Changed user profile side nav
Added “Move account” functionality
Added filtering objects by users
| Release v.1.0.21 04/20/2023
Fixed bugs
Added the application to the marketplace
Changed the objects side nav
Added auto approve functionality for inviting users
Published the application on the Azure marketplace with 3 types of authorization
Added options for choosing authorization on Azure
Added document for deploy the application from Azure
| Release v.1.0.18-20 07/01/2022
Fixed bugs
Added the grouping assigned objects for User role
Added fonts to Index HTML
Updated libs to net core 6
Added the indicator of password complexity functionality
Displaying attached files in assigned objects for User role
Added spiner after navigate to objects from “Settings” and via notifications
| Release v.1.0.17 05/31/2022
Fixed bugs
Redesigned user profile
Redesigned all sidenavs
Redesigned objects history
Redesigned “Details” tab
Redesigned the “Confirm Registration” page
Updated logic of notifications and added new notifications
Added functionality for searching objects/accounts by assigned groups
Changed clickability of objects in card view
Added transferring objects ownerships functionality
Added functionality of user self-deleting
Added “Change Password” functionality
Changed assign logic for “User” role
| Release v.1.0.16 04/28/2022
Bugs fix
Fix styles
Added the “Forgot Password” functionality
Added highlight objects after clicking on the up and down arrows on keyboard
Updated logic of expanding cards after searching
Added the search and filtering functionality to "History"
| Release v.1.0.15 04/18/2022
Bugs fix
Fix styles
Added Notifications for Request ownership, Join functionality
Get account ownership in history
Added mobile view for History
Improved Filtering in the History
Changes of copy/paste objects functionality
Changed logic of expand/collapse arrows on objects after search
Changed “More” menu in object
Optimization card view to suit different screen resolutions
| Release v.1.0.14 04/04/2022
Added selecting/expanding/collapsing objects using arrows on the keyboard
Added list view on mobile
Removed “Assign users” and “Delete” buttons under the search field if an object is selected (on mobile view)
Updated logic of filtering by date in the History and added validation to the date pickers
More menu is hidden on all objects on assign/edit mode and on all not selected
Added “Action” column on objects in the History
Now, deleted user from an organization is redirect to the "Stepper" if he hasn't added another organization
Objects on the “Favorite” tab are redesigned for card and list view
Added copy/cut/paste of objects functionality. Copied or pasted objects are copied with attachments
Added Join code functionality
Fixed bugs
| Release v.1.0.13 03/18/2022
Changed style of cards on mobile view
Hidden More menu on objects cards in Edit mode
Hidden temporarily history for users with “User” role
Removed updating objects types in History
Improved search on the “All” tab in the cards view
Optimized filtering during searching
Fixed bugs
| Release v.1.0.12 03/04/2022
Account ownership
Changed "More" menu logic
Removed Lazy Loading after searching on the Tree of objects
Changed logic of "Save" buttons. The buttons are always enabled
Removed "Expand Objects" and "Collapse Objects" during searching objects on the "All" tab
Updated styles of the "Details" tab in the Settings
The "Favorites" stare putted on the "More" menu of objects
Added functionality for duplicating objects with children and accounts
Changed style of displaying of the release version (after hovering of the Logo)
Fixed bugs
| Release v.1.0.11 02/18/2022
Updated styles of the “Sign up” and “Login” pages
Improved search objects:
Added search by users’ full name
Added ignoring of spaces at the beginning and at the end of entered data
Added deleting organizations
Added arrows for changing the “Values” position in custom fields while editing object types
Added connection between users and groups while assigning users: as users in a group become highlighted after clicking on the group on the “Assign users” sidenav
The token expiration for confirming email increased up to 30 days
Fixed bugs
| Release v.1.0.10 02/04/2022
First version of user registration
Separate environment for new features
Fixed Sonar issues
Fixed drag'n'drop
Updated styles for mobile view
Changed view of the "Filter by" modal window
Added default view of objects according to a user role
Deleted extra button on the object side nav
Added counter for attachments
Updated the "Add object" button logic for list view
Added settings page for organizations
Added deleting users from organizations
| Release v.1.0.26 07/05/2023
Fixed bugs
Updated subscription plans
Developed mobile applications
Updated Guided Tour
Updated password generator
Updated styles
Removed the Expand/Collapse buttons
Updated two-factor authentication
| Release v.1.0.27-28 07/05/2023
1.Fixed bugs
2.Updated subscription plans
| Release v.1.0.30 09/20/2024
1.New tab - Hardware
2.QR code scanning for equipment
3.Location assignment for user-assigned equipment
4.Highlighting of compromised accounts during user reassignment
5.Performance improvements