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Service Lock Box is a business-oriented multilevel platform for storing space servers’ data in one place.
The platform is designed to let administrators and space owners create objects with data about each server, share these objects with other users and develop access networks inside spaces.
Talrace.SLB mission is to help businesses see data in new ways, unlock endless possibilities, and provide high-security standards.
Talrace.SLB safe environment takes care of securing your data by keeping it encrypted. Despite its broad functions, the platform remains user-friendly, making the work process easier and more productive.
This ReadMe will help you learn and use the Talrace.SLB platform.
| Home page
When you log in, you will be directed to the Home page. This is a starting point in working with the Talrace.SLB platform. The page contains the following tabs:
• Software tab. The tab keeps all your objects with services’ data, including IP addresses and passwords, in one place. In this tab, you can see the created networks between services and users.
• Hardware tab displays all equipment in the space. Each item includes a scannable QR code to assign responsible users easily. You can also indicate the user location to track the equipment's whereabouts effectively.
• Favorites tab. The tab is intended for storing users’ frequently used objects in one place. Any available object can be added to it.
• History tab. The tab contains all the objects history changes by all users in the space for Admins. For users with “User” credentials, the tab is not displayed
The following components are displayed in the header :
• Space name. Users can switch between joined spaces using the drop-down list if there are several joined spaces. Or just see the current space if only one space exists.
• Notifications. Provides real-time status information throughout the publishing process in the form of notifications and alerts.
• My account. There are the following options displayed in the sidenav: My profile, Two-factor authentication, Settings, Documentation/Support, Release. You can set up your personal details, such as name and avatar in My Profile. The Settings tab is available only for users with Administrator rights.
| What is an object?
Object is an independent unit with the information about an instance of a space. A regular object has the following components:
• Name and Object icon
• IP address
• Domain
• Description
• Object owner's avatar
• More Menu (visible to admins only when an object is selected)
The Domain field is clickable, after clicking you go to the URL. The user can also copy IP address after clicking on Copy IP button.
| Create an object
The Add Object feature is only available to users with administrator rights. Users without these rights cannot add new objects.
1. Go to the main page of the application.
2. Click on the "Add New" button. This will open the navigation sidebar with two required fields to fill out: Type and Name.
3. In the Type field, select the object type from the dropdown list. The list of object types is generated based on previously configured templates, which contain the corresponding customizable fields.
4. In the Name field, enter a name for the new object. This field is required.
5. Fill in any additional customizable fields if they are available for the selected object type. These fields may include various parameters that need to be specified depending on the object type.
6. The Save button will become active only after all required fields are correctly filled out. Click Save to save the new object.
7. After saving, the sidebar will close, and a notification will appear in the bottom left corner of the screen confirming that the object was successfully added.
8. The new object will be displayed in the object list, at the end of the list. You can view and edit it as needed.
| Object tree
For the convenience of working with objects, the objects are represented in the form of a tree. After clicking on the object the line of the parent object will span the entire length of the workspace. When adding a child object to a parent object, the child object will be indented. At the same time, the parent object will have an arrow for expanding/collapsing child objects.
The parent object can have as many child objects as you need. In this case, child objects can have their own child objects, but such child objects will have an indentation relative to their parent object. A child object that has its own child objects will have all the distinctive features of both the child and parent object.
The object tree is not limited to the number of descendant objects at different levels. When deleting or moving objects with child objects, all objects that are inside the child objects will also be deleted or moved.
All parent objects in relation to other objects can be collapsed or expanded by clicking on the corresponding arrow. The whole tree can be expanded/collapsed, as well as its parts.
| Parent Object or Child Object
Focus is important when adding a new object. There are two situations that should be considered.
1. None of the objects were in focus, then a parent object will be created.
2. One of the object was in focus. In this case, a child object will be created. After creating child object, it will appear under the parent object, the arrow for expanding/collapsing child objects will appear at the parent object. If the parent object already has had child objects, the added new object will be displayed under the child objects at the same tree level.
| Managing Objects
After selecting an object, several buttons will become available in the system to perform various actions for managing the object
Action Buttons:
1. Delete Object - This button allows you to delete the selected object from the system. When clicked, a confirmation prompt will appear to prevent accidental deletions. Please note that if the object has child objects, they will also be deleted.
2. Assign Users - This button is used to assign users to the selected object. After clicking it, an interface will open to choose the users. The selected users will be granted access to this object.
3. Add Child - This button is used to add a child object to the current object. When clicked, a form will open to create a new object that will be subordinate to the selected object. The new object will be displayed with an indentation to visually indicate the hierarchical structure.
These buttons help effectively manage objects in the system, enabling deletion, user assignment, and the creation of child objects for a more flexible hierarchy.
| Multi-selection of objects
The user can simultaneously assign several objects to other users. For this reason, the multi-select functionality was presented. In order to select several objects at once, click on the required objects, while holding down the Shift button.
| Drag and drop objects
You can move existing objects around the object tree by dragging and dropping objects. To start dragging an object, you need to press and hold the object until the object string shrinks in size, then drag it to the selected location and drop the object when you are done. You can drag an object either to the highlighted dotted line spots or inside another object.
To cancel dragging while holding the object, you need to drop the object in any place that is not highlighted by the dotted line.
A child object cannot be dragged into a parent object, and vice versa – a parent object cannot be dragged into a child object.
When dragging one object inside another object with child objects, the object will always be positioned as the last item on the same level as the child objects.
| Object type
The Object Type feature is a powerful tool designed to streamline and enhance the process of creating new objects within your space. It is exclusively available to administrators, ensuring that only authorized users can define and manage object parameters.
With this feature, administrators can set specific parameters and criteria for future objects. These predefined settings are automatically applied when adding new items to both the Software and Hardware tabs, ensuring that objects are created according to established standards. This tool helps maintain consistency across the entire space, making it easier to organize and manage all objects effectively.
The Object Type feature simplifies the object creation process, saving time and reducing errors. Administrators can use predefined templates that automatically apply the necessary parameters when adding new objects, eliminating the need for manual configuration.
| Adding a new object type
To add an object type, click on the ADD NEW TYPE button on the right of the page, the Add type page will be opened
By default, the additional component toolbar with icons, the Icon button, Description, IP, Domain check-boxes, and Name input field are displayed on the page. If you click on the SAVE button all required fields will be highlighted in red.
The Icon drop-down list and the Name field are required for saving the object type. To select an icon, click on the Icon button, and all available icons drop-down list will be displayed. Scroll through the list of icons, select an icon from the drop-down list and click on the desired one. After that, the selected icon will be displayed in the Icon frame.
| Icon color
The Color button will be displayed to the right of the Icon button after selecting the icon. The Color component is not required for saving the object type, but setting a color of the icon allows to make all object types on the page more unique. Different colors of object types promote distinguishing easier the object types on the page.
The modal window, separated into two parts – Icon Color and Background Color, will be opened after clicking on the Color button. Choose a more appropriate color for the icon and its background. Click on the Save button to apply the selected colors to this icon or the Cancel button to discard the changes.
| Adding the “Description”, “IP, “Domain” fields
The Description, IP, Domain fields are not required for adding a new object type, but the user can tick the check-boxes, and the fields will be displayed on a new object, created using this object type.
To display the input fields Description, IP, Domain in a new object, based on this object type, check the Description, IP, Domain check-boxes.
| Adding additional components to the object type
There is an ability to add additional components to the object type. These components allow users to add more detailed information when creating objects on the Objects tab on the Home page.
To add the components, click on the buttons in the toolbar header.
Types of available components:
• Input
• Select
• Checkbox
• Radio Button
• Date Picker
• Toggle
• Link
• IP
| Filling data in additional components
The additional component is highlighted in red border (depending on the component type) with red hints under the component. These hints indicate, what kind of required data of the component the user has to fill in for saving the instance type.
These additional components can have only the required Name field, or Name and value. Some values have at least one or two required conditions. Every condition for a particular component is displayed under the field as hints.
To fill in the required fields, click on a specific component to open the component’s side navigation panel. The selected component will be highlighted on a blue border. The Toggle component will not be highlighted in blue but will display a red tooltip below it, indicating that the component has a prerequisite to fill in its name.
The component side navigation panel will be opened after clicking on this component. By default, the side navigation panel consists of Name and Add Value buttons (depending on the component type).
To fill in the Name input field, click on the field and enter a name.
To add a value, click on the Add Value button and the Value input field will be displayed, then enter the value’s name. To delete a value, click on the Delete icon.
In case all required fields and values are filled in, then the tooltips under the component will not be displayed.
To collapse the side navigation panel, click on the icon of closing in the upper right corner of the side panel. For reopening the component’s navigation panel, click on the component again.
| Changing the additional component
The additional component position in the components list can be changed using the Up and Down arrows. To display the arrows, click on a necessary component. Subsequently, the position of these components will be displayed in the created object based on this instance type.
When a relocatable component reaches the upper limit, the up arrow is disabled. Accordingly, after reaching the lower limit component in the list, the down arrow is disabled. If a selected component is one in the component list, both arrows Up and Down will be disabled.
If it becomes necessary to delete an additional component, click on the necessary component. This component will be highlighted in blue and the component will be opened (if the side navigation panel was not opened earlier). To delete the component, click on the Delete button to the right of the up and down arrows that are displayed directly above this selected component.
| Side navigation panel
The side navigation panel appears after clicking on an instance and displays all relevant information about the instance, including its accounts and attachments.
The header of the side navigation panel contains:
1. A button (arrow) to close the panel.
2. Breadcrumbs, indicating the instance's position within the object hierarchy (highlighted in blue).
3. A star button to add the instance to Favorites.
4. The instance name.
5. The instance creator's avatar.
Instance information is organized into 4 tabs:
• Accounts - all accounts associated with the object are displayed
• Data - all data associated with the object is displayed
• Viewer - all users assigned to this object are displayed (only for admins)
• History - all activity related to the object is displayed (only for admins)
| Breadcrumbs
To quickly move to the parent object, the Breadcrumbs functionality is implemented. If there is a parent object, it will be displayed in the side navigation panel above the object name and highlighted in blue. If the parent object has its own parent object, then the entire path from the parent object to the root parent object will be shown, separated by " > "
| List of Users
Users tab is available for users with Administrator rights.
To open Users, click on the Settings in My Account sidenav (this action is available for users with Administrator rights only), then click on Users tab. On this page, the Administrator can view, edit or delete Users’ profiles that are in the domain. Also, the search and sorting functionality is available for searching and sorting users by certain parameters.
Each line contains the following information about the user: First name, Last name, e-mail, role.
Searching users
For the convenience of the user, the searching functionality is available to search Users by:
• First Name
• Last Name
To search a specific user, click on the Search Users field and enter a user's full first name/last name/email. All users that consist of the entered data will be displayed on the page. To reset the search result, click on the “X” button in the search field.
If there are no matches the “THERE ARE NO USERS TO VIEW” text will be displayed on the page.
Sorting users in the list
The sorting functionality is available to sort users by:
• First Name
• Last Name
To sort users list, hover over the necessary column title and click on the arrow Up or Down. Users are sorted in descending alphabetical order or in ascending alphabetical order.
Viewing or editing user’s data
To view or edit a user profile, click on the necessary user in the users’ list. The user side navigation panel is opened after clicking on the user.
There are two tabs in the side navigation panel:
• Account tab displays user’s data.
• Groups tab displays all groups to which a user has been assigned to.
The user’s avatar, first name, last name and the user’s access status (Admin or User) are displayed above the mentioned tabs.
Account tab
It is possible to view user’s data such as:
• Avatar
• The user rights (Admin or User)
• The user domain name
• First name
• Last name
• Phone
• Description
All fields except user domain name are editable.
Required fields are:
• First name
• Last name
To save the changed data after adding or editing, click on the Save button. The Save button will be disabled until data in the fields and all required fields will be filled in.
Changing user rights
In the process of work, the Administrator can change users’ rights. In order to change users’ rights, click on a necessary user in the users list, and the user profile will be opened.
To change the rights from Admin to User, or from User to Admin, click on the Admin toggle button. If the button is turned on (the button is turned to the right and has a blue color), the user will have Administrator rights. A user with Administrator rights will have access to Settings, create objects in the Software and Hardware tabs, etc.
If the button is turned off (the button is turned to the left and has a gray color), the user will have User rights. The user won’t have access to the Settings, won’t be able to create instances in the Software and Hardware tabs, etc.
To save the user rights, click on the Save button.
Inviting a User
To facilitate collaboration in your space, you can invite other users to join. Invitations allow users to join your space via email, which is especially useful when you need to quickly add multiple participants to a project or team.
To invite a user:
Click the "Invite User" button
Enter the email addresses of the users you want to invite. You can enter multiple addresses at once
Click "Send"
After that, each invited user will receive an email with an invitation. By clicking the link in the email, they will be added to your space.
Creating a New User
If you want to add a new user to the space and are unsure whether they are registered in the app, you can create the user manually. This allows you to immediately add the new participant to your space, even if they are not yet registered in the system. The new user will receive a notification and, if necessary, complete their registration.
To create a user:
Click the "Create User" button
Fill in the required email address field. You can also fill in additional fields, but this is not mandatory
Click "Create"
If the user is not registered in the system, they will receive an email to complete their registration. Afterward, they will be automatically added to your space. If the user is already registered, the space will be visible to them right away.
Deleting a User
Each user profile (except for your own) can be deleted by the Administrator. If you hover the cursor over a necessary user profile in the users list, the Delete icon will be displayed on the user profile line.
To delete a user, click on the Delete icon on the user in the list. The Confirmation modal window will be displayed. After the selected user was deleted, all user’s data, such as first name, last name, all assignments to objects, account and groups will be deleted as well. The deleted user won’t be displayed in the users’ list.
To cancel the deletion, click on the CANCEL button in the modal window. The modal window will be closed. The User won’t be deleted and will be displayed on the page after canceling the deletion.
Request to Join the Space
In some cases, administrators may want to control who can join the space. For this purpose, there is a feature to request approval for joining the space, where the user's request must be approved before they can join. This is especially useful when it is important to monitor who has access to a specific space.
If the approval request option is enabled:
A user cannot join the space until their request is approved by an admin or the owner.
This applies to joining via invitation link or join code.
If an admin creates a new user, approval is not required, and the user is automatically added to the space. Additionally, the admin can choose not to enable the approval requirement, in which case any user can join the space without waiting for approval.
| List of Groups
Creation of groups simplifies the work with users. Thanks to groups, you can assign objects and accounts to several users included in this group at once. On the Group page the Administrator can add, edit, view or delete groups.
Each line contains the following information about the user:
• Name
• Count Members – number of users, assigned to the group
• Description
For the convenience of the user, the search and sorting functionality is available to search groups by their name.
| Adding a new group
To add a new group, click on the ADD GROUP button, new group navigation panel will be opened. The Name field is required for saving the new group.
The Save button will be disabled until the user fills in the Name input field. To cancel the group saving, click on the Cancel button. The Confirmation modal window with the DISCARD and CANCEL buttons will be displayed, confirm the canceling by clicking on the DISCARD button. The group side navigation panel will be closed, the group will not be saved and not be displayed in the list on the page.
| Searching and assign users to the group
Users can be assigned to the new group while creating. To search for a required user, enter user’s first and last names or a part of the names in the search field. All Users that consist of the entered data will be displayed in the side navigation panel. To assign a user, choose the required user from the list of users under the search field and click on it.
The group can be created without assigned Users. User assignments can be made after creating the groups.
| Editing data of an added group
To edit group data, click on the necessary group in the list. The group navigation panel with the Edit button will be opened, click on the Edit button. Data for editing is available:
• Group name
• Group description
• Assign or remove users from the group
To save changed data, click on the Save button of the Edit Group panel. The changed group will be displayed in the group list on the page.
| Deleting a group
The Administrator can delete groups. Hover the cursor over the necessary group. The Delete button will be displayed on the right side of the group. Click on it to delete the group, the Confirmation modal window will be displayed on the page.
If the group was assigned to any object or account, the modal window with the “Are you sure you want to delete the group assigned to objects or accounts? All assigns will be canceled” text and the CANCEL and OK buttons will be displayed.
| Searching groups by name
To search a group, click on the Search Group field and enter the necessary group full name or a part of the name. All groups that contain the entered data will be displayed on the page.
If there are no matches the “THERE ARE NO GROUPS TO VIEW” text will be displayed on the page.
To reset the search result, click on the “X” button in the search field.
| Sorting groups
Sorting functionality is available to sort groups by name.
To sort groups, hover over the Name column title and click on the arrow Up or Down. Groups are sorted in descending alphabetical order or in ascending alphabetical order.
| Assigning Users
To make an object available to another user, the object must be assigned to this user. Only a user with Administrator rights can assign objects to other users. To assign an object, click on the required object. There are several ways to assign new users.
1. Click on Assign users button. The button is loсated in the action buttons field above the list of objects.
After clicking on Assign Users button, the side navigation panel will appear. The panel contains a search bar, a list of users and groups.
2. Click on Assign Users option in the More menu.
| List of users and groups
All users in the domain will be displayed in this user list. Blue-highlighted indicates that the user has access to the selected object. For another user to access the object, the creator needs to click on the tile of the selected user so that it turns blue, the creator can assign as many users as he wants.
Created groups are also displayed here. Groups can be empty or consist of users who are in the domain. When assigning a group to an object, all members of the group will have access to the object. The process of assigning groups is completely analogous to assigning a separate user.
| Search for users and groups
The search functionality helps to quickly find users and groups in the displayed list. The search works by the name of the group and the first or last name of the user.
| Assigning users and groups
Both groups and individual users can be assigned at the same time. When a user is added to a group, the user will have access to all objects to which the group has access. Accordingly, the user will be deprived of access to all objects to which the group has access if he is excluded from the group.
After saving the changes in the assignment of users to the object, the user will receive a notification about the successful change of the assignment to the object. Each user assigned to the object will receive a notification.
| Security
Talrace.SLB is a universal tool for saving users’ passwords that allows the users and their team to securely log in without having to remember the password.
Only a user with administrator rights can assign objects. For an object to be available to another user, the object must be assigned to this user. Accordingly, the user sees only what the administrator has allowed him.
Information about users is stored on the customer's servers, and no one except them has access to it.
| Password Generator
Password Generator is a tool for generating random passwords for the account, that will be used in Password field. To set up password requirement click on Gear icon.
You can set up the length of the password, for this choose the number you need in the Number of characters field (note that the minimum number of characters available for password creating is 8). In case you want to additionally strengthen the password, you can choose up to four additional functions:
• Special Characters
• Lower Case
• Upper Case
• Numbers
To implement the function, click on the checkbox next to the function’s name.
| Search
The search functionality is very broad. The search can be performed not only by the name of the instance, but also by all data in additional fields. To do this, there is a search string on each of the tabs on the Home page. The search string is found on all tabs at the top of the work area.
| Searching by Data in an Instance
To start the search, the user needs to click on the search bar and enter the instance data. The search is applied immediately after entering the data. During the search, you can change the data being searched and get a new search result. With each search result, the user can do the same actions as with the object on the Objects tab, except for dragging and dropping.
All object data, including the required Name field and all additional fields, are available as searchable data. The exception is checkboxes.
Users can utilize the global search feature to find objects across both the "Software" and "Hardware" tabs simultaneously. Simply select the "ALL" button to streamline queries and quickly locate the desired information.
| Building an object tree from search results
After a successful search for one of the elements of the object tree, the user can build its object tree. Depending on the location of the found object in the object tree, the user can build the tree up and down.
Two arrows are a hint for the user in which direction the tree of objects can be built.
The downward arrow on the object line indicates that the object has child objects. If there are no child objects, there will be no arrow on it. To build a tree of the found object with child objects, the user needs to click on this arrow.
A child object within the tree is displayed. If a child object has its own child objects, click on the arrow from the right of the child object to open it.
The upward-pointing arrow on the right side of the object line indicates that the object has a parent object. If there is no parent object, there will be no arrow on the right.
Together with the parent object, all child objects will be built, including the found object after the search. To build a tree of a found object with a parent object, the user needs to click on this arrow on the right.
The parent object is displayed along with all child objects in the tree. If there are no other child objects other than the found object, the object tree will only consist of two objects - the parent and the found. If any child object has its own child objects, then to display them, click the arrow on the left of the child object. If the parent object has its own parent object, click the arrow to the right of the parent object to display it.
The tree can be built up and down at the same time until all the elements of the object tree are displayed. During the construction of the tree of objects, the user can do the same actions with the objects as with the object on the Software and Hardware tabs, except for dragging and dropping.
| Filter
The user can search for objects using Filter. You can filter objects by object type. The Filter button is located on all tabs to the right of the search bar at the top of the workspace. When filtering is enabled, the button will display a bubble counter that shows the number of filtered object types.
After clicking on the Filter button, a modal window for selecting filters will be displayed.
All existing types of objects and filters are located inside the modal window in the form of a list. When you choose a filter, it is highlighted. Several filters can be selected at the same time. To reset filtering, click on the Clear All button in the modal window.
With each filtering result, the user can do the same actions as with the object on the Software and Hardware tabs, except for dragging and dropping. You can optimize your work, you can combine search and filter.
| Mobile view
Our Talrace.SLB mobile application is software specially developed for the functionality of gadgets.
Your business needs to keep up with modern technology. Our mobile application will help you with this. What prospects does our mobile application open up for business:
1. Talrace.SLB is increased security and privacy
Each employee receives a personal encrypted vault to store and manage their passwords, credentials, files.
2. Talrace.SLB is Improving employee productivity
Saves your employees time and eliminates the need to recover, reuse and remember passwords.
Frequently asked questions
| Objects Management and Permissions
What roles are there in the system?
There are the following roles in the system: Owner, Admin and User. The Owner can set up Admins. The Owner/Admin can create and can see everything. Users can see only those objects that are assigned to them.
What objects can I create?
Object is an independent unit with the information about an instance of a space. A regular object has the following components: Name and Object icon, and More Menu. There are the following default types of objects displayed in the Settings: Application, Cloud, Database, Device, Web site, Workstation. Only users with "Admin/Owner" roles can create objects.
Can I create a new object type if there's not such a type for my objects?
Yes. Users with "Admin/Owner" roles can create customizable types of objects in the Settings. Object type contains parameters for future objects. Types are intended for subsequent object creation on the Software and Hardware tabs on the Home page. They allow managing object creation time more efficiently. Due to them, you will save your time while creating new objects. To see the Types, click on the Settings tab in the top right corner of the Home page (this action is available for users with Administrator rights only), the Types tab will be opened automatically.
Why can't a user see an object?
To make an object available to another user, the object must be assigned to this user. Users with "User" role can see only those objects that are assigned to them. Users with "Admin/Owner" roles are able to see all the created objects.
Will a user see an object if an Admin assigns the corresponding user to an account connected with this object?
Yes. The user with "Admin" role may only assign necessary users to the accounts without assigning them to the object. Once the user is assigned to the chosen account, they are automatically assigned to the object connected with this account. The assigned user will get 2 notifications of being assigned to the object and account.
Can I become the owner of the account assigned to me?
Yes. The user who is assigned to the account can get ownership of the corresponding account. Once the user requests ownership of the chosen account, the account gets the pending status and the admin receives a notification with Ownership request. If the admin allows to get the ownership, the admin won't be able to see the password of this account. If the admin denies the request, the user can request ownership again.
Can an Admin view History of the accounts and objects?
Yes. The user with the “Admin” role can view all the changes that were made to the account, when, and whom.
What will happen if an Admin deletes a user?
When a user is removed from a space in the app, all their accounts are returned to the Admin who originally created them. This Admin gains access to the passwords of these accounts only in this specific case, as the removed user may have managed critical company credentials. These returned accounts are highlighted in red to indicate they are compromised and require review.
Access to the removed user's accounts is strictly restricted, with no visibility granted to other Admins or the space owner.
| Passwords and Security
Does the Admin see the passwords created by me?
No. If a user with “User” role creates an account and assigns nobody to it, an Admin/ Owner sees only the account created by the user but not the password. The passwords created by the users and not being assigned to an Admin/owner are hidden.
How to create a strong password while adding/editing an account
The password generation system implemented in the SLB app helps users to simplify the process of creating strong and reliable passwords. Generator settings is a tool for generating random passwords for the account that will be used in the Password field. To set up password requirements click on Gear icon.
How does Talrace.SLB ensure the security of my passwords?
Talrace.SLB application uses the AEC encryption type, which is currently one of the strongest encryption standards. AEC encryption has a key length of 256 bits, which means that this cipher is quite difficult to crack.
| Profile Management
Can I update the information in my Talrace.SLB profile?
Yes. All the users can change their emails (not the usernames), first and last names. This option is available in “My profile”.
How can I reset my Talrace.SLB account password if I forget it?
If you forget an SLB account password, you can request to reset it using your email. Expiration time for link in the email is 24 hours.
How to upgrade a subscription plan
To upgrade a subscription plan, enter “My profile”. After choosing to upgrade your plan in the Profile, you will be redirected to the page for selecting a new subscription plan. After selecting a necessary one, you will be redirected to the page with a form for entering your payment card information. If you fill in all the required fields, the button "Upgrade" will be enabled. The selected subscription plan starts being active immediately.
None of the subscription plans meet my requirements
If none of the subscription plans meet your needs, there's a solution. We offer customized pricing options tailored specifically to your company's needs. Simply reach out to us through our contact page or a chat bot, and our team will be happy to assist you. We will work closely with you to understand your requirements and provide you with individual terms of usage that suit your preferences.
How to invite users
Only users with “Admin/Owner” roles can invite other users. The option to invite users is displayed in the Settings on the Users tab.
How to find the space I’m invited to (switch the spaces)
Once you have been invited into the space and entered the join code, the administrator must approve your joining. Until your approvement to join the status of the space you are intended to be a part of is "Pending". If you are a member of several spaces, you can change the current space in the header.
How to create users
The "Create User" feature allows administrators to add both new and existing users to the organization. New users receive an email to set their password, while existing users are simply linked to the organization without changing their data. This ensures smooth integration for all users.
| Data Management
How to share accounts
To share an account with another user, you need to assign the chosen user to the corresponding account.
How to search the data
Users can enter any data they remember, such as an object, account, attachment, or user, and find the information they need. And a simple filtering system will help the user to significantly narrow the number of results found in a large amount of data.
| Marketplaces
External auth setup
1. Azure Plan:
1.1. Create new app registration https://portal.azure.com/#view/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ActiveDirectoryMenuBlade/~/RegisteredApps
NOTE: For supported account types use: Accounts in this organizational directory only
1.2. Copy Application (client) ID from overview of created application
1.3. Install azure plan from marketplace (for step Owner settings -> Azure AD client Id provide value from 1.2.)
1.4. Go to created resource group, select created app service, copy default domain
1.5. Go to application from 1.1. -> Authentication -> Add a platform -> Web
1.6. Provide Redirect URIs https://<HOST>/signin-oidc (where <HOST> value from 1.4.)
1.7. Select checkboxes:
- Access tokens (used for implicit flows)
- ID tokens (used for implicit and hybrid flows)
1.8. Click Configure
2. Google Plan:
2.1. Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis
2.2. At the top of screen: Select a project -> New project -> Create
2.3. In the Oauth consent screen of the Dashboard:
- Select User Type External (Available to any test user with a Google Account) or Internal (Only available to users within your organization) and CREATE.
- In the App information dialog, Provide an app name for the app, user support email, and developer contact information.
- Step through the Scopes step.
- Step through the Test users step.
- Review the OAuth consent screen and go back to the app Dashboard.
2.4. In the Credentials tab of the application Dashboard, select CREATE CREDENTIALS > OAuth client ID
- Select Application type > Web application, choose a name
2.5. Save Client ID and Client Secret for use in the app's configuration.
2.6. Install azure plan from marketplace
- for step owner settings provide
Google client id - Client ID from step 2.5.
Google client key - Client Secret from step 2.5.
2.7. Go to created resource group, select created app service, copy default domain
2.8. Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis
2.9. Select project from step 2.2 & go to Credentials
2.10 Click edit OAuth 2.0 Client from step 2.4.
- Provide Redirect URIs https://<HOST>/signin-google (where <HOST> value from 2.7.)
- Click Save
Note: It may take 5 minutes to a few hours for settings to take effect
| Azure
1. Open the Microsoft Azure Marketplace
2. Enter the “SLB” search request in the search bar
3. Click on the founded “SLB” product
4. Select any plan you need in the “Plan” dropdown
There are three plans existing for the Service Lock Box application:
● Plan with forms-based Auth;
● Plan with Azure Active Directory Authorization;
● Plan with Google Authorization.
5. Click on the “Create” button
6. Select your subscription in the “Subscription” dropdown
7. Select the needed resource group in the “Resource Group” dropdown or create the new one
8. Select your region that has enough resources to deploy the application from the Region drop-down list
9. Enter your application name in the “Application Name” field
10. Verify data in the “Managed Resource Group” field
11. Click on the “Next” button
12. Fill all required fields on the “PostgreSQL settings” tab with your valid data
13. Click on the “Next” button
14. Fill all required fields on the “Owner Settings” tab with your valid data. The required fields on the “Owner Settings” tab depend on the chosen plan in point (4) of this document described above.
14.1 If you select the “Plan with forms-based Auth” plan, then you need to enter the owner email and password data on the “Owner Settings” tab
14.2 If you select the “Plan with Azure Active Directory Authorization” plan, then you need to enter the “Azure AD client ID” and “Owner email” data on the “Owner Settings” tab
Before deploying the application, you need to prepare a New Application Registration in Azure
14.2.1. Create new app registration https://portal.azure.com/#view/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ActiveDirectoryMenuBlade/~/RegisteredApps
a) Click on the “New Registration” button
b) Enter the valid data in the “Name” field
c) Select the supported account types (NOTE: For supported account types use: Accounts in this organizational directory only)
d) Set up the “Redirect URI” (Optional)
e) Click on the “Register” button
14.2.2. Copy Application (client) ID from overview of created application
14.2.3. Enter the copied Application AD client id in the corresponding field
14.3 If you select the “Plan with Google Authorization” plan, then you need to enter the “Google client id”, “Google client secret” and “Owner Email” data on the “Owner Settings” tab
Before deploying the application, you need to prepare a New Project in Google Cloud
14.3.1. Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis
14.3.2. Create a new project (At the top of screen: Select a project -> New project -> Create)
14.3.3. Set up the Oauth consent screen in the Dashboard:
- Select User Type External (Available to any test user with a Google Account) or Internal (Only available to users within your organization) and CREATE.
- In the App information dialog, Provide an app name for the app, user support email, and developer contact information.
- Step through the Scopes step.
- Step through the Test users step.
- Review the OAuth consent screen and go back to the app Dashboard.
14.3.4. In the Credentials tab of the application Dashboard, select CREATE CREDENTIALS > OAuth client ID
14.3.5. Select Application type > Web application, choose a name
14.3.6. Save Client ID and Client Secret for use in the app's configuration
14.3.7. Enter the next data on the “Owner Settings” tab in the Azure
Google client id - Client ID from step 6;
Google client key - Client Secret from step 6)
15. Click on the “Next” button
16. Fill all required fields on the “Application settings” tab with your valid data
17. Click on the “Next” button
18. Review all entered data on the “Review + create” tab and click on the checkbox in the “Co-Admin Access Permission” block
19. Click on the “Create” button at the footer of the page
20. After clicking on the “Create” button the “Deployment” page will be opened
21. When the deployment is completed click on the “Go to Resource Group” button
A) If you created the app with Forms Authentification
22. Click on the app service name to redirect to the resource
23. Click on the URL to redirect to the application
B) If you chose Plan with Azure Active Directory Authorization
22. Go to a created resource group, select created app service, copy default domain
23. Go to created app registration from 2.1. -> Authentication -> Add a platform -> Web
24. Provide Redirect URIs https://<HOST>/signin-oidc (where <HOST> value is default domain from step 2.4)
25. Select checkboxes:
Access tokens (used for implicit flows)
ID tokens (used for implicit and hybrid flows)
26. Click Configure to save your settings
27. Follow the default domain to redirect to the application
C) If you chose Plan with Google Authorization
22. Go to created resource group, select created app service, copy default domain
23. Go to https://console.cloud.google.com/apis
24. Select project from step 3.2 & go to Credentials
25. Click edit OAuth 2.0 Client from step 3.4.
26. Provide Redirect URIs https://<HOST>/signin-google (where <HOST> value is default domain from step 3.8)
27. Click Save
Note: It may take 5 minutes to a few hours for settings to take effect
28. Follow the default domain to redirect to the application
| Account deleting
Can I delete the account from the Service Lock Box application?
Yes. You can delete the account by clicking on the “DELETE ACCOUNT” account button on the “Edit Profile Information” tab in the “My Profile” sidenav
If you are the user, who wants to delete the account in the Service Lock Box application, then you need to:
Leave from all organizations, in which you are a member
Open the “My Profile” sidenav
Click on the “Edit” button
Click on the “DELETE ACCOUNT” button
After finishing this steps your user account in the Service Lock Box application will be permanently removed. All your objects and objects will be inherited by the space owner, but your account passwords will be deleted from the application.
If you are a space owner, who wants to delete the account from the Service Lock Box application, then you need to:
Delete all your spaces by clicking on the “DELETE SPACE” button on the “Edit Space Info” page on the “Details” tab on the “Settings” page
Open the “My Profile” sidenav
Click on the “Edit” button
Click on the “DELETE ACCOUNT” button
After finishing this steps your space owner account in the Service Lock Box application will be permanently removed.
| Hardware
On the "Hardware" tab, all equipment belonging to the specified space is displayed, with equipment types selected from predefined objects available on the settings page. Each equipment has the following characteristics:
- Location, indicating the current location of the equipment.
- QR Code, which can only be created and configured using a mobile device to simplify identification and tracking.
Each object has an assigned owner and can be reassigned to any user, enabling efficient resource management and keeping data up-to-date.
This tab is designed for the administration and management of system objects. Administrators have full access to all objects, while users only see the ones they own. The tab includes object management features, owner changes, and automatic logging of all actions, including notifications.
Key features:
1. Viewing all objects (administrators see everything, users see only their own)
2. Changing object owners (available to administrators)
3. Automatic activation of mandatory fields, such as "Location" and "QR Code," for all objects
To begin using the app, you will need to create an account or log into an existing one. Follow the detailed steps below.
If you are a new user, follow these steps to create an account:
1. Go to the Registration Page
Click the “Sign Up” button on the start page. A form will appear where you need to fill in the following fields:
• Email: Enter your valid email address
• First and Last Name: Provide your personal information for the profile
• Password and Confirmation: Create a strong password that meets the security requirements and confirm it
2. Complete the Registration
After filling in all the fields, click “Sign Up” You will be redirected to a page where you can choose to:
• Create a Space: Set up a new space
• Join a Space: Access an existing space using a code
A confirmation email with a welcome message will be sent to the email address you provided
If you already have an account, you can go straight to login by clicking the “Log In” button at the top of the page.
If you already have an account, follow these steps to log in:
1. Go to the Login Page.
2. Enter Your Credentials: Enter your Email and valid password, then click "Log In". If the information is correct, you will be redirected to the homepage of the last space you accessed
If you don’t have an account yet, click “Create an Account” to go to the registration page.
You are now ready to start using the app!
| Reset password
If you've forgotten your password, follow these simple steps to recover it.
First, on the login page, click the "Forgot password?" link. This will redirect you to the password recovery page. Here, you need to enter the email address you used during registration and click the "Request reset link" button.
Next, you will receive an email notification about resetting your password. Click the "Reset password" button in the email to go to the password change page. On this page, enter your new password in the "New password" field and then confirm it in the "Confirm password" field.
Once both fields are filled, confirm the password change by clicking the "Change password" button. After that, you will be redirected to the login page, where you can log in using your email and the new password.
Your password has now been reset, and you can continue using your account.
| Space Setup
In this section, you will learn how to create a new space or join an existing one
| Create a new space
To create your own space, follow these steps:
On the Stepper, select the "Create Space" tile and click the "Create" button.
In the pop-up window, enter the name of your new space. You can also upload an avatar for the space (this is optional). Once all the information is entered, click the "Create" button.
You will be redirected to the homepage of your new space, where you can start setting it up and using it.
| Join an existing space
If you want to join an already created space, follow these steps:
On the Stepper, select the "Join a Space" tile and click the "Join" button.
A page will open where you need to enter the join code to access the space. Enter the received code and click "Join"
You will be redirected to the homepage of the selected space.
If the space has the confirmation feature enabled, you will not be able to access the space's data until the administrator approves your request.
| Software
The Software tab stores all the data about services and their connections in one place. Here you will find information about services, such as IP addresses and passwords, which are used for management and communication between services. This tab allows you to easily track which services are connected to each other, as well as manage network connections between users and services within your space.
| Favorites Tab
The Favorites tab is designed for conveniently storing your most frequently used objects in one place. Here you can add any objects that you need to access quickly and regularly. This can include hardware, services, or other items you use most often.
| Add to Favorites
An object can be added to the Favorites only from the Software tab. To add an object to the Favorites, click the star button next to the object name in the side navigation panel. The object added to the Favorites tab will change the color of the star button to red in the object side navigation panel. You can also add an object to the Favorites tab in the more menu.
To remove an object from Favorites, click on the red star button in the selected object on any of the tabs. After clicking the star button, it will turn colorless and the object will disappear from the Favorites tab.
| History
The History tab provides a detailed, chronological view of all changes made to objects within your space. Accessible exclusively to administrators, it serves as a crucial tool for tracking and auditing user actions. The most recent changes are always displayed at the top, with objects dynamically repositioning rather than duplicating as updates occur, ensuring a clear and organized overview of activity.
Each change includes key details such as the type of action performed, the responsible user, and the date and time of the modification. By selecting an object from the list, you can access its full history directly within the tab, allowing for a deeper exploration of actions and updates. The visual design of objects in the History tab mirrors their appearance on other tabs, maintaining consistency and enhancing navigation.
| Compromised account
The Compromised Account tab indicates accounts that have been compromised based on the following criteria:
1. A user or group is unassigned from the account
2. A user is removed from a group assigned to the account
3. A group is removed from the space
4. A user is removed from the space or leaves the space
Compromised accounts are marked with a red border, and associated objects are highlighted in red for quick identification.
| More menu in the object
If you have Administrator rights, then you can interact with objects using the More Menu. When you click on the object it becomes highlighted and the More menu is displayed.The More Menu provides users with access to key actions for managing objects in the application. These features help configure, move, edit, and organize objects, offering flexibility and convenience
Assign Users
This function is used to restrict or grant access to an object for specific users. When this action is selected, a window will open displaying a list of available users. After selecting and confirming, the object will become accessible only to the specified users. Other users will not be able to view or edit this object, ensuring data protection and facilitating task distribution within the team.
This action allows you to create a child element linked to the current object. The new object inherits the connection to its parent and becomes part of the hierarchical structure. For example, this is useful for building logical chains or grouping related data.
The Copy function lets you duplicate an object along with its data. Follow these steps:
Select the object to be copied. The selected object will be highlighted in dark gray and marked with a copy icon
Next, choose the target object and click on it. The target object will be highlighted in black and display a paste icon
Clicking the paste icon opens a menu to choose the copy location:
Above the current object
Below the current object
Inside the target object as a child
Once selected, the object will be duplicated, and its name will include the prefix "Copy". All associated accounts are copied along with the object, simplifying data management.
The Cut function allows you to move an object from one location to another.
Select the object to move. It will be marked with a "Cut" icon and highlighted in color
Choose the target position, similar to the Copy function: above, below, or inside another object
After completing the action, the object is fully relocated to the new position, retaining its data and structure.
This function allows you to change the designation of an object by moving it between the "Hardware" and "Software" tabs:
Moving an object to the "Hardware" tab removes all linked accounts, as the object becomes part of the hardware.
Moving an object to the "Software" tab removes QR codes and location data, as they are not relevant in the software context.
This feature is useful for reorganizing objects and redefining their roles within the system.
This feature allows you to change the icon color of the current object, making it stand out among others. Users can set any color, which will apply not only to the icon of a custom object type but also to the default type icon. This helps maintain visual organization and quickly locate specific elements.
The Edit function provides access to the object’s settings, including:
Changing the object type.
Editing the name and description.
Configuring additional fields defined for the current object type.
This feature ensures data stays up-to-date and allows objects to be customized for current needs.
This action adds an object to the favorites list, making it accessible from a separate tab. It is especially convenient for quick access to frequently used or important objects.
This function opens the event log associated with the object. Users can view details about who made changes and track actions such as object creation, editing, or user assignments. It is valuable for monitoring and analyzing changes made to the object.
This action generates a file containing the object’s data, which can be downloaded. The Print function is useful for archiving data, sharing it, or using it in external documentation.
Deleting an object completely removes it from the system. Users must confirm the action, as deleted objects cannot be recovered. This action should be used cautiously to avoid losing important information.
| Accounts
All created or assigned accounts are stored in the Accounts tab.
A user can create an unlimited number of accounts. However, changing, deleting, or assigning an account can only be done by the account's owner.
After an account is created, it will be displayed in the Accounts tab as a separate tile. The account tile will show the following information:
Assign Users button — If there are assigned users to the account, the number of unique assigned users will be displayed on the button.
Account creator’s avatar.
More Menu — Assigned users can edit or duplicate the account. The account owner can edit, duplicate, move, or delete the tile.
Login for the account.
Hidden password — To view the password, click the «Show password» button.
Account description.
Next to the login and password, there are buttons to copy them with one click.
| Data tab
All the detailed information about an object is stored in the Data tab.
The required fields for all objects are Name and Type, which are present in every object. Additional fields may appear, configured when creating the object type. However, an object may not contain any fields other than Name and Type.
Only users with administrator rights can fill in and modify any object fields. Without these rights, users can only view the object's information without the ability to edit it.
The Data tab displays not only the fields configured for the object type but also includes attachments and related objects, which can be found in the Hardware tab.
In the Viewer tab you can add viewers to give users access to the object. Only assigned users can view the objects in their space
1. Select the Object - Start by selecting the object to which you want to manage access
2. Go to the "Viewers" Tab - After selecting the object, open its details and navigate to the "Viewers" tab
3. Edit the Viewers List - To add or remove users or groups, switch to edit mode by clicking the "Edit" button
4. Add or Remove Viewers - In edit mode:
To add users or groups, select the relevant tile corresponding to the user or group
To remove viewers, simply click on the tile of the user or group again to unselect it
Only Admins or Owners of the object are allowed to edit the viewers list. Assigned or removed viewers will have their access to the object updated according to your changes.
Users assigned to the object will only be able to view the object itself, without access to any accounts added to it, unless they are specifically assigned to those accounts as well. Admins will be able to see the accounts added by other users but will not have access to login credentials or passwords for those accounts.
The "History" tab displays all changes made to the object and is available only to administrators. The records are sorted by time, with the most recent changes always appearing at the top of the list. To view the details of a specific change, simply click on the corresponding entry.
For each action in the history, the following information is displayed:
Action name (e.g., "Create Account , "Assignt to object").
Username of the person who performed the action.
Date and time the action was performed.
Arrows for navigating between actions.
You can navigate between actions using the "Previous" and "Next" arrows.
| Linked objects
Linking Objects Between "Software" and "Hardware"
Objects from the "Software" and "Hardware" tabs can be linked to each other, with the ability to link multiple objects
No Linked Objects:
If no Hardware object is linked, a message "No linked objects here" is displayed along with a button "Add Link"
Adding a Link:
1. Click on a Software object and navigate to the "Data" tab.
2. Click the "Add Link" button. This opens the Hardware tab with a chip displaying "Linked with 'Software Object Name'" under the search field
3. Select the desired Hardware object. Its details will appear in the sidebar navigation panel
4. Click the "Link" button at the bottom of the panel. The Software object will then appear as a "Linked Object" in the sidebar navigation
Removing Linked Objects
1. For Already Linked Objects:
• Select the linked object and click the Basket icon next to it
• A confirmation dialog will appear with the message: "Are you sure you want to unlink this object?"
• Confirm the action, and the objects will be unlinked
2. During the Linking Process:
• If an incorrect object is selected during the linking process, the "Link" button will change to "Unlink" after the object is linked
• Clicking the "Unlink" button will remove the link, and the linking process will remain active, allowing the user to select another object
3. Stopping the Linking Process:
• To stop the linking process entirely, click the "X" on the chip labeled "Linked with"
• Once the chip disappears, the linking process will be terminated
| Attachments
Adding Attachments:
Attachments can only be added to already created objects; this functionality is unavailable during object creation. To add an attachment:
Switch to edit mode for the object.
In the side navigation panel, a field for adding attachments will appear.
Click the field to open a file selection window.
Once selected, the file will be displayed below the attachment field.
Save the changes to attach the file to the object. After saving, the attachment will appear in the side navigation panel.
Downloading Attachments:
Users can download files attached to objects if the object is assigned to them. To download, click the download icon next to the file.
Deleting Attachments:
To delete an attachment, switch to edit mode, click the trash bin icon next to the attachment, and confirm the action. No further saving is required.
| My profile
You can view and edit information from your profile. To open the profile, click on the avatar icon in the header in the right corner, then choose My profile, the My Profile side panel will be opened.
There are two tabs in the side panel:
• Account tab displays your data
• Membership tab displays all groups to which you have been assigned
| Notifications
Notifications allow you to stay up to date, knowing about the latest changes to your objects. Notifications icon is located in the command prompt in the top right corner of the window.
Different kinds of notifications would be described below.
• When assigning to an object, assigned users receive the notification.
Object icon and name are displayed on the first line of notification, at the second line displayed the following information: “Assigned by” with user’s name on the left side of line; date and time on the right. After clicking on the notification, the users are redirected to the Software or Hardware tabs on the Home page. The object will be highlighted and the object side navigation panel will be opened on the Info tab.
• When unassigning to an object, unassigned users receive the notification.
Object icon and name are displayed on the first line of notification, the second line displays the following information: “Unassigned by” with user’s name on the left side of line; date and time on the right. Notification is clickable.
• When assigning to an account, assigned users receive two notifications in Objects and Accounts.
Object icon and name are displayed on the first line of notification, at second displayed account icon and name and at last line displayed Assigned by user first name and last name on the left side of line, date and time on the right.
• When unassigning to an account, unassigned users receive a notification in Accounts only.
• General
Notifications about groups, users are displayed in the General option in the Notifications sidenav.
| Settings Page
The Settings tab allows administrators to configure and manage the space. It consists of four main sections:
Types: Manage and customize object types within the space
Users: View and invite users to the space, as well as manage their roles and permissions
Groups: Create and manage user groups, assigning users to different groups for better organization and access control
Details: View and manage key details related to the space, providing an overview of its settings and configuration
These sections work together to give administrators full control over the space, enabling efficient management of users, object types, and other overall settings
| QR Code
Each instance in the "Hardware" tab can be associated with a QR code. This feature is available not only in mobile applications but also in mobile browsers and in web browsers.
Only administrators can add or remove QR codes. Users can only view the data of their own and other users' objects, and if needed, request ownership of an object. The decision to transfer ownership is made by the administrators of the space.
Adding a QR Code (by Admin)
To add a QR code, select the desired object and click on it to open the sidebar with the object's data. Next, click on the QR code icon and bring your device close to the QR code on the object or use a webcam on your computer to scan it. Once scanned, the QR code icon will appear along with the object's name, confirming the successful addition.
Delete QR Code (by Admin)
Only administrators can remove a QR code. To do this, the admin needs to click on the "Basket" icon. A confirmation window will appear, and once the deletion is confirmed, the QR code icon will disappear from the object. After removal, a new QR code can be added by an admin.
To check the ownership of a device, scan the QR code using the icon in the header on any tab. The outcome depends on the QR code's status:
QR Code Assigned to Another Object
Scanning the QR code will display information about the linked object. Users can only request ownership of the object, while admins can reassign ownership to another user and view the object’s history. Any admin in the space can approve or reject ownership requests.
QR Code Assigned to an Object in Another Space
If the QR code belongs to an object in a different space, no object details will be shown. A notification will appear indicating that the QR code is already in use elsewhere.
QR Code Not Assigned to Any Object
If the QR code is unlinked, a notification will indicate that no object is associated with it, and admins can then assign it to an object.
Ownership of objects can be managed by admins. Only admins have the ability to assign or reassign ownership of an object to another user. Users can view object details and, if needed, submit a request to claim ownership of an object.
Any admin in the space can approve or deny these requests. Upon approval, the object is reassigned to the requesting user, and it will no longer appear in the previous owner’s list. Users cannot transfer ownership themselves but can edit object details and attachments if they are the current owners.
Admins retain access to the object’s full history, while users cannot view it.
| Location management
The Location feature allows users to associate specific locations with objects, improving asset tracking and inventory accuracy. The location of an object can be updated only by its owner or an admin through the object’s data editing panel. This ensures precise control over location assignments, supporting accountability and resource management.
This functionality enables efficient monitoring of equipment within the space, helping organizations maintain accurate records and easily locate assets.
| Assigned Equipment Data
The Details tab provides essential information about the object or equipment. It includes the object type, as set in the object type settings, as well as the object name and the creator of the object.
This tab consists of two sections: Data and History.
On the Data section, you will find:
QR Code: If a QR code is assigned, it will be displayed along with the encrypted equipment name encoded within it
Object Name: The name of the object
Location: Displays the current location of the object, as set by the object owner, along with the owner's name
Linked Objects: Shows any related objects from the Software tab (Learn more)
Attachments: Lists any files or additional documents associated with the object (Learn more)
This tab provides a detailed view of the object, giving users easy access to key information and enabling them to track its related data and history
| History of Object Changes
The "History" tab in the Hardware section provides a detailed log of all changes made to hardware objects, including modifications in ownership and QR code assignments. This feature is only accessible to administrators. The changes are displayed in chronological order, with the most recent actions appearing at the top. To view more details of a specific change, simply click on the corresponding entry
For each change, the following information is shown:
Action name (e.g., "Change Owner," "Update Location")
Username of the person who performed the action
Date and time when the change was made
After selecting a specific change, navigation arrows ("Previous" and "Next") will appear, allowing you to move between different actions and explore the history of the hardware object more easily
| Space Details
This section displays the key information and settings for your space. Here you will find:
Space Avatar – an image that visually identifies your space and makes it easily recognizable
Space Name – the current title displayed to participants, reflecting the essence or purpose of the space
Owner – the user with full administrative rights over the space
Administrators – users granted administrative rights to manage content and participants
Join Code – a unique code used to invite new participants to the space
Editing Space Information
To modify the space settings, follow these steps:
1. Click the Edit button on the "Space Details" page.
2. In edit mode, you can make the following changes:
Change Avatar. Select a new image to update the space's appearance
Edit Name. Enter a new name that reflects the current purpose and goals
Delete Space. The space can only be deleted after removing all users
Managing the Join Code
The join code allows new participants to easily join the space. You can:
Copy the Join Code. Click the icon next to the code to copy it and share it with users who need to join the space
Regenerate the Join Code. In edit mode, you can generate a new code to restrict access by the old one
It is recommended to regularly update the join code to protect against unauthorized access and maintain the space's security.
| Two-Factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is available only after confirming your email address. To enable 2FA, follow these steps:
1. Toggle the switch to the "On" position to activate two-factor authentication
2. Enter your current password to confirm the changes
3. After that, a step-by-step guide for setting up 2FA will appear
4. You will be given the option to choose the method for adding 2FA:
Code for setup – with a one-click copy option
QR code – for scanning with your authentication app
5. Once you enter the code received in your authentication app, two-factor authentication will be linked to your account
From now on, you will need to enter the code from the app during the next login to complete the authentication process.
| My Account
The My Account section is a side panel with key account settings. You can access it by clicking on your avatar in the top right menu. This section displays:
User avatar, Name, and Role in the current space
Profile Settings – for managing personal information and account details
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) – to enable or configure 2FA for added security
Navigation between the Home and Settings pages
GUID Generator – to generate a key for QR code usage for devices
Links to the Documentation and Release notes
An option to log out of the account
For space owners, information about the current Subscription is also displayed
| Account tab
The Account tab provides information about your profile, including:
Account ID
Current email
Personal user data
Password change option
Application language
Change Email
To change the email, it must first be confirmed:
Next to the current email, a "Confirm" button is displayed. After clicking it, an email with a confirmation link is sent to the provided address
Once the email is confirmed, the button changes to "Change", and you can enter a new email. Clicking on it opens a form to update the email address.
The user needs to enter the new email and the current password to confirm the action. After this, a confirmation email is sent to the new address. The new email will appear in the profile settings only after the confirmation is completed.
Password Change
To change your password, click the "Change" button next to the password field
A form will open where you need to enter your current password, then the new password, and confirm it
The new password must meet the security requirements
Once the changes are saved, the new password will be activated
Edit Personal Information
In the Editing Personal Information section, you can update your personal details:
Avatar, First and Last name, Phone number, and add or modify your profile Description
You can also change the application Language, with available options being English, Russian, and Spanish
Email cannot be edited
Delete Account
If you wish to delete your account, you can do so from the Editing Personal Information section. However, to successfully delete your account:
You must leave all spaces
If you are the owner of any spaces, you must delete all spaces where you are the owner
Once these steps are completed, you will be able to delete your account.
| Membership Tab
In this section, you will see:
- A list of all the spaces you are currently a member of
- The option to leave any space where you do not have owner rights
To leave a space, simply click the Leave button next to the respective space. After confirming the deletion, the user will no longer be a member of the space
| Subscription
Subscription information is available only to space owners. To view your current subscription, go to the "My Account" section, where your current plan is displayed. To see the subscription details, click on your subscription tile.
The following information will be shown on the opened tab:
Current plan
Order date
Next payment date and the number of days remaining until the next payment
This section also offers the following options:
Change subscription plan
If you choose to change your plan, a page with available pricing options will open, allowing you to select the plan that suits you and update your subscription.